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There's nothing really going on. There's a chick, a possible bandmate, but nothing else, really. I'm just trying to get into the habit of posting.



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Oh shit, I forgot to post all week. Oh well.

Basically, what you've missed during the past week is...

Well, the H1N1 virus has hit it's second wave, and it's not as bad as we might have thought. However, the world is far more affected by the panic than the virus itself.

Here's my example. I'm stuck at school because it's Take Your Kid To Work Day and it was cancelled until this morning. So I'll probably try to escape sometime soon, but no promises. The reason, however, that it was cancelled, was because of the H1N1 virus possibly spreading while we worked with out parents. And then, they had it put back in order when they realised that we were just as vulnerable in our schools.

Now, the reason I'm pissed off is because if we were missing just 1 more student, we could avoid doing work today because there wouldn't be enough students at the school. But, because of the confusion, I'm sitting here researching the usage of Potassium Cyanide in English class (or so they think) and I'm just plain pissed off now.

Escaping before I'm caught, this is Willdood, signing off.
Well, it's that time of year again, the time when all the kids from four years old to whenever they stop trick-or treating are hyped up on sugar and the christmas ads come up way too early and all the classes you take are finally back to the dreary piece of sh*t that you hoped wouldn't come back. Well, no use hiding from it, life is shit again, and I have a reason to get back.

Today is a piss-poor excuse for a school day for multiple reasons. It's november in Canada and some of the best weather to ever really happen here is out of reach, seeing as we're cooped up in a stuffy, B.O. smelled class. I have to make a website using HTML for school and firstly, I already have one, and secondly, there's no good information on sucessfully making any good website material. So I'll just pretend to be working like I do every day. Another thing is the fact that stress is rising because my guitar, or Pheonix as I call her, is downtown being repaired and it's my only way to get rid of stress. There's what it basically is.

Another thing I've noticed is that the world hasn't improved since I last left you hanging. Still no hope, no peace, but at least the idiot politicians are hilariously stupid now instead of just infuriatingly stupid. Well, here's where I leave you until I (maybe) come back.

Dissapointed and pessimist, this is Willdood, signing out.
Well, my birthday has passed, and I got a new amp. It's amazing- it's got 50 presets, a bunch of distortion settings, a million ways to costomize your sound and a built-in tuner. Why am I angry? Because the one thing this would be best for - recording - is useless, because I still haven't gotten the audio player for the site. But, whatever, I'll happen, right? Oh well.

On another note, school's in a week, and I still don't have what I need. All I have is clothes. But, there's still one day before it matters (seeing as nothing really counts on the first day), and I'll have what I need by then. Hopefully. It's still a little worrisome, however, and I hope it doesn't bug me too much.

Also; I've got a few volunteer hours racked up before school starts, and luckily, they count, seeing as it's all at the school. Yay.

I know I'm not getting many reads, but somebody out there has got to be reading; there's still some people showing up on the stats.

Also; news, I'm working on my third song. So far, not much has been done though.

Waitin' On The World To Change, this is Willdood, signing off.

Well, as you may have come to comprehend, I have returned to my senses. I had a sudden realization two days ago, telling me things I wished to know. I have been saved. Thank you.

On an alternative note, and the main subject of the post, I've recently finished a project on the book "Les Fourmis", or, in english, "Empire of the Ants". The book is AMAZING. The whole story has an anxious feel to it and it makes me really interested, and my mom just told me that I hadn't done my project and when I did, she would give me the second book in the series. I was done the project, A+ and all, when she told me, so there must be something I forgot to do. This is a pain in the ass. But, however, the project went well, and our original idea had everyone on the edge of their seats! AWESOME!

With the swagger of a champion, this is the one and only Willdood, leaving you in the lurch, as I am.