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Damn it! Once more, I've got not a shred of inspiration for some lyrics. But, because I know nothing's gonna happen anytime soon, I've started writing something, and I've brushed off a few chapters to start it off. But I don't know if I'll stick with it, it's a commitment that I don't think I can commit to. But if you think that it'll work, post a comment! Always looking for comments

Still wondering what to do with my life, this is Willdood, signing off.


'Sup, my netbros!
I've been working on a song on my guitar and on piano and I think it'll work, but I don't know what to have the lyrics be. Tomorrow, me and one of my friends (You might know her, her name's Arien) are going to work on the lyrics. But, I'm not inspired yet and my friend hasn't written very much, so if you want to help, just send me your possible lyrics (we reserve the rights to edit them to cohere with the song, or to censor them if they get a little randy) and I might add them to the song, just remember to leave a reply e-mail so if you're chosen we can send you the file. Thanks in advance to all those helping out (maybe)

On another, different yet coherent note, my friend will be performing at the London (on) Ribfest, and if you like good music, coice meat and loads and loads of barbeque sauce, you'll be coming too!

On one final, usual note, this is Willdood, signing off and opening the ballot box.


Well, well, well. Surprises for me, it seems someone got the word out about the site! Excellently, somebody by the name of Alore has made a blog too, and by the looks of it this mystery friend has the same emotional frequency as me, and therefore is, by official (unofficial) standards, is AWESOME. Her site is at and, please, read the posts because if you liked this, you'll like that :)

And, to top it off, she is a drumming fan! BEST thing to be. Seriously.

And to top that off, I'm launchinga new tab with my affiliate sites (friend's and family's) on it. Read.


Lately, I've been thinking about how the band I'm in. You know, the one that doesn't exist? Well, I may just be changing the name to "the one that maybe kinda might happen" because I'm starting up some stuff with a guy. Ya, a guy who I met from some stuff at a place. During a thing. Yeah. Actually no, hes just a guy from school who actually knows how to play guitar well, unlike most of the guitar hero generation. We've been jammin' and we might get somethin' going. I think. Yes. No. Maybe. Possibly? Always! Never... Indeed; I think. Yeah.

So, until the first song is published, this is Willdood, tuning up.


You're probably (definitely) sick of my angry rants against the horrors of society, so I decided to do an exposé on the pool party I'm having this weekend.

Yay. Fun.

I'm totally going to have awesome music and stuff. A good 7-10 people are coming and it's gonna be awesome. I'm finally happy. For a little while. I'm going to get some good food, but I don't know what exactly I'll get. Maybe pizza. Or hotdogs. Definitely wings. Hot, spicy, awesome wings, and definitely some chips and some pop. Good times (to come).

So, while I rest in standby-mode peace, I get to be ready for an awesome party this "Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAAAAAAY!". That's some good stuff.

Have some fun this weekend, on the part of me, Willdood.


Here's another of my annoyed posts for you. This one is about the fact that nobody really cares. Earlier this week, me and this guy named Marc were jamming. This gave me an idea for the song of the century. It was going to be the best, the overwhelmingly best song in the last decade, but there's something holding me back - my band. You know them probably, they're called... umm... nothing. Because NOBODY seems to be interested in the GOOD type of music, the type wich requires skill and creativity to play. That's rock music. The antithesis of rap music like the ever-so-famous computer-generated song 'A Milli'. Now, you'd think that a song with a basic drum beat and the words 'a milli' repeated endlessly for at least five minutes would get the rating that someone would give to a pile of crap at a pie contest, but no, the world somkehow decided that talent is not required. What has the music industry come to?

Well, playing my songs alone, this is Willdood, hanging his head in shame.


Well, I went to that party, but I could only dance for a little while before I fell into my usual slump. If you don't already know, I'm hopelessly in love, and that's been dragging me down ever since I stared into her eyes. She makes me feel great, but I just can't bear to tell her, because if you don't already know the feeling, you can't empathise. But, however, I did get encouraging comments from my friends, and I got to vent a little, so that's got me going a little easier, but I'm still stuck in that horrible one-way-love situation, and I may not get back out.
In other news, I might start writing. I had an idea for a book, but that stuff never works, so it might not happen.
On a lovestruck note, this is Willdood, signing off with dignity, I hope.


I'm goin' to a party soon. Formal attire, awesome stuff. Plus, I'll probably have something to write about :)

Well, I'll be back soon with an actual post.
Willdood out!


Yesterday evening, my good friend Arien did a performance at the Wolf Performance Hall for National Youth Week. She sang the... han... hann... Ugh, I can't say the name, but you know who it is, and she sang I Got Nerve. She actually made it seem like that wierdo disney thing had actual songwriting talent. I mean, coming from the same gene pool as Achy Breaky Heart is generally a bad omen, but Arien made it work. Congrats, Arien, on your performance, and I hope to see you next year.

This is an impressed Willdood, signing off again.


Earlier this week, I re-strung my century-old acoustic guitar so I could finally play it. I also own an electric guitar, which I use primordially, but the acoustic guitar has a much better feel. I re-strung it to jam with my friends, but it turns out none of my guitarist friends feel like jamming or ever have time for it, so now I'm stuck at home again, in my regular cycle of TV, guitar and videogames. It's fun, but now I can't get enough of my acoustic guitar in an extraordinary way; when I play it I get bored, and when I stop playing it I want to play it again soon. My want to re-string my guitar has proved to not help me, but mess up my saturday. Oh well, at least it's been done.

Well, I have to get back to Pheonix I (I named it... my electric guitar is named Pheonix II), so until next time, it's Will and the Pheonixes, signing out.