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Well, as some of you may have noticed, the song I planned on uploading isn't working right. The site won't let me upload files more than 5MB, so the song is no-go. However, even though it may take some time, I can upload youtube-based videos and therefore publish songs, but only in music video form. It'll take some time, but I'll make sure it's taken care of. Don't worry :D

Annoyed, yet marginally appeased, this is Willdood, signing the off.
Alright, people, the wait is over! The song I've been writing is done, recorded, and I even added a few things (piano, synth violin, electric guitar) for you to enjoy. The song is accesible from the SONGS tab, and the file is a .wav file. It<s playable on iTunes, so most people will be able to hear it.

Satisfied, finally, this is Willdood, signing off.

'Sup, my netbros!
I've been working on a song on my guitar and on piano and I think it'll work, but I don't know what to have the lyrics be. Tomorrow, me and one of my friends (You might know her, her name's Arien) are going to work on the lyrics. But, I'm not inspired yet and my friend hasn't written very much, so if you want to help, just send me your possible lyrics (we reserve the rights to edit them to cohere with the song, or to censor them if they get a little randy) and I might add them to the song, just remember to leave a reply e-mail so if you're chosen we can send you the file. Thanks in advance to all those helping out (maybe)

On another, different yet coherent note, my friend will be performing at the London (on) Ribfest, and if you like good music, coice meat and loads and loads of barbeque sauce, you'll be coming too!

On one final, usual note, this is Willdood, signing off and opening the ballot box.


As a few (none) of you have noticed, I have been gone for about three weeks to my favorite place on earth, John Island! Well, I'm back and here's your promised humungous post.

I got to the island and met of with some friends, some old and some new, to start off a great summer. We arrived at our cabin and unpacked, and the wierdness starts there. In our cabin, we had 13 people:

Graham and Jamie, our counsellors,
Me, the one narrating,
Noah, Matt and Elliot, three joking, perverted, slightly homoerotic gents,
Jude, the douchebag,
Ian, the fight starter,
Nick and Evan, the quiet (yet dominant) ones,
Scott, the frechie (I'm allowed to say it, je parle francais),
Miles, the american (He was funny),
and Troy, the "gangsta" who wanted to fight constantly but didn't really piss us off.

These people got along.... okay (Ian with his fights, Jude with his douchebaggery) most of the time. Later in the week, we discovered a mispronunciation by Miles giving us the perfect new term; known as "shut face". Excellent. The week went along well, with some bad winds during sailing (Elliot is an okay skipper, but I don't trust him), some unwanted dry-humping on Noah's part and various other negatives only slightly perturbing the balance. Near the end of the week, I met some people who I missed for a few days:

Jolene, Troy's sister and fun character,
Haley, hilarious french girl and TOTAL HOTNESS (Too bad I didn't kiss her goodbye)
and Alyssa, angry french girl with a stagnant hatred of me from time to time.

I met them before leaving for Outtrip (The cabin leaves camp for a short canoe trip, hike, etc.) for four days, only to find them gone for another two. On outtrip, however, some shit "went down". For one, we started with the dirty jokes, racism and swearing (From Miles and Troy: "When I say big black, you say ballsack!") before finally resting for the night, where most of us found that Noah seems to have an eternal case of BSSL (balls stuck to leg) and is grabbing his sack CONSTANTLY. Not a pretty sight. But worse was when we arrived at the dropoff point near the end and we found a blue pickup truck.

We looked inside and found something disturbing. A corpse was stationed in the front seat, with a shotgun placed nearby and a small entry wount under the chin and a massive exit wound in the back of the head, with the accompanying blood splattered all over. We hastily called the regional authorities and took care of the situation, but nonetheless could not sleep at night due to the paranoia and trauma accompanying this sight. We arrived at camp and were talked to by the camp director about what we saw. Scary shit.

Back at camp, I met up with some friends from last year to cope with the stress. They were:

Zack, the long-haired chill dude with a videogame passion,
Jacob, the red-haired kid with a passion for talking and solving rubik's cubes (3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 within 10 min),
And some new ones:
Ryan, the short kid who was... awesome,
Adam, the tall kid who was... awesome,
and some other kids who were... I don't know, I didn't talk much.

We talked and talked about thing from the LOTR trilogy to Noah and Elliot's homoerotic perversions. It seems they were also being douchebags to Jacob, so we dug up some embarrasing stories on the subject. We talked and talked until the girls came back, and then I talked and talked to Haley until we found out we liked each other. Good times.

More than once, we snuck out at night to meet some girls cabins and were never caught (No thanks to Troy) but it wasn't fun for me without Haley. On the last day, I set myself a goal to kiss her goodbye, but nothing went well. Now, I'm in London on a computer near the dining room and she's four hours away in a little town called Sturgeon. I'm feelin' a little blue, but it'll always pass. Whatever, there's still a whole summer to meet more close-to-home girls.

Back home and with mixed feelings, this is your friend Willdood, signing back on.


Incredibly sorry I am for making you wait, but I can't post for the next few weeks, I'm on vacation and will not be capable of reaching my computer. But, to make up for it, I promise to publish an extensive narrative of my vacation for y'all. Yeah.

Once again, sorry.

Gone for a bit, this is Willdood, singing off and putting all updates on temporary hiatus.


Well, well, well. Surprises for me, it seems someone got the word out about the site! Excellently, somebody by the name of Alore has made a blog too, and by the looks of it this mystery friend has the same emotional frequency as me, and therefore is, by official (unofficial) standards, is AWESOME. Her site is at and, please, read the posts because if you liked this, you'll like that :)

And, to top it off, she is a drumming fan! BEST thing to be. Seriously.

And to top that off, I'm launchinga new tab with my affiliate sites (friend's and family's) on it. Read.


Lately, I've been thinking about how the band I'm in. You know, the one that doesn't exist? Well, I may just be changing the name to "the one that maybe kinda might happen" because I'm starting up some stuff with a guy. Ya, a guy who I met from some stuff at a place. During a thing. Yeah. Actually no, hes just a guy from school who actually knows how to play guitar well, unlike most of the guitar hero generation. We've been jammin' and we might get somethin' going. I think. Yes. No. Maybe. Possibly? Always! Never... Indeed; I think. Yeah.

So, until the first song is published, this is Willdood, tuning up.


In the words of various great people: Awesome! I'm on Google! Yeah, that's right, I finally got on Google. Now people will finally see me on the major search engines (I'm on Yahoo too). That would normally make me even happier but it seems to me that there's another result of mine that's on top of that, and that's my account on YoyoGames. You see, I used to be obsessed with making videogames and publishing them. Soon enough, however, I will be displaying some of my early work on the program and you, the readers, will be able to play my awesome (crappy) games on my site! Until then, I'm just gonna have something else on the new tab.

Playin' around, this is Willdood, logging out.


Well, I went to that party, but I could only dance for a little while before I fell into my usual slump. If you don't already know, I'm hopelessly in love, and that's been dragging me down ever since I stared into her eyes. She makes me feel great, but I just can't bear to tell her, because if you don't already know the feeling, you can't empathise. But, however, I did get encouraging comments from my friends, and I got to vent a little, so that's got me going a little easier, but I'm still stuck in that horrible one-way-love situation, and I may not get back out.
In other news, I might start writing. I had an idea for a book, but that stuff never works, so it might not happen.
On a lovestruck note, this is Willdood, signing off with dignity, I hope.


Today, I had a nice, painful conversation with my brother's annoying insensitive friend. He has to be the most UNINFORMED person I've ever been mooched off of. If it would get him to leave us alone, I would set him straight, but he would just take his rich-ass face into our basement while complaining how he's not my friend anymore and he'll sue us, followed by playing our videogames and not leaving. Now, I can deal with other people's beliefs, but I won't accept this idiot's insensitivity at all. He is a racist, he wants to have Obama out of office because he wants to change the U.S. and he is a religious freak. Not a religious person or a religious observer but a religious FREAK. Religion may be good for some, but this guy needs to see that he isn't right, and that he needs to get his own opinions instead of his crooked parents' opinions. I swear, if he comes over and trys to convert us to his insane turbo-christianity one more time, I'm going to explode. People need to understand that they're not always right. Even I know when I've been beaten (Not often :D) and I want everyone to see that the world has changed, and you need to look away from the face of God and into the face of reality, as otherwise you won't differenciate between fiction and truth.

This is Willdood, looking for a way to reason.